1.Omniscient: knowing all things.
2.Onomatopoeia: sound effect
3.Oxymoron: a figure of speech in
which two contradicting words or phrases are combined to produce a paradox.
4.Pacing: rate of movement
5.Parable: a story designed to convey some religious
principle, moral lesson, or general truth.
6.Paradox: self-contradictorystatement
7.Parallelism: the principle in
sentence structure that states elements of equal function should have equal
8.Parody: an imitation of mimicking of something well known
9.Pathos: appeal to emotion
10.Pedantry: a display of learning
for its own sake.
11.Personification; attributing human qualities to an inanimate objects .
12.Plot: a plan or scheme for a purpose.
13.Poignant: eliciting sorrow or sentiment.
14.Point of View: the physical point of verification.
15.Postmodernism:characterized by experimentation, irony, nontraditional forms, and multiple
16.Prose: the ordinary form of spoken and written
language; language that does not have a regular rhyme pattern.
17.Protagonist: Hero of the story.
18.Pun: play on words.
19.Purpose: authors reason for writing.
20.Realism: writing about the ordinary aspects of life
21.Refrain: a phrase or verse recurring at intervals in song or chorus.
22.Requiem: any chant,hymn, or musical service
for the dead.
23.Resolution: point where problem is solved
24.Restatement: idea repeated for
25.Rhetoric: use of language,order to persuade.
26.Rhetorical Question: question
suggesting its own answer
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