2.Romanticism: movement in western culture as a revolt against Classicism.
3.Satire: A literary work that criticizes something people take seriously with the intent of improving it.
4.Scansion: the analysis of verse
6.Setting: the time and place in which events in a story occur.
7.Simile: comparison using like or as
8.Soliloquy: an extended speech delivered by a character alone.
9.Spiritual: folk song
10.Speaker: narrator
11Stereotype: cliche' depiction of a minority or party group
12.Stream of Consciousness: the style of writing that attempts to imitate the natural flow of a character’s thoughts.
13.Structure: the planned framework of a literary work
14.Style: characteristic way of writing or speaking.
15.Subordination: Defiance
16.Surrealism: a style in literature that stresses the subconscious.
17.Suspension of Disbelief: not believing in order to enjoy.
18.Symbol: something which stands for something else but also has a meaning of its own.
19.Synesthesia: use of one sense to help to experience another sense.
20.Synecdoche: name changing, in which a part stands for the whole.
21.Syntax: the arrangement of words in a sentence.
22.Theme: main idea of a story.
23.Thesis: proposition for consideration.
24.Tone: used to create the mood and atmosphere.
25.Tongue in Cheek: a type of humor in which the speaker is serious.
26.Tragedy:any story with a somber theme carried to a disastrous end; protagonist usually is heroic but flawed.
27.Understatement: saying less than you mean for emphasis
28.Vernacular: everyday speech
29.Voice: convey a writer’s or speaker’s pesona.
30.Zeitgeist: the feeling of a particular generation.
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